Local Footpaths

Perfect for Exploring (and Getting Lost!)

Local Footpaths

Amongst the wealth of information on the East Sussex County Council's Rights of Way website is an online rights of way map. If you view the map full screen it will take some time to load, there is a lot of data to download. Then zoom in to Fairlight all the local footpaths are shown clearly with stiles, gates and bridges. You must zoom in all the way to the highest level of detail, but then clicking on them will give you their unique designated name so you will know exactly what footpath, stile, gate or bridge to talk about.

Is it a Right of Way?

In depth information on all aspects of Footpaths and rights of way can be found here on this link: East Sussex Rights of Way

This site covers all of East Sussex so some navigation will be required to home in on Fairlight Footpaths specifically. The online rights of way map is not the definitive map - you have to make an appointment with the Council to see that - but it is certainly good enough for walking. Zoom in to Fairlight and all the local footpaths are shown clearly with stiles, gates and bridges. You must zoom in all the way to the highest level of detail, but then clicking on them will give you their unique designated name so you will know exactly what footpath, stile, gate or bridge to talk about.

Problem with a Local Footpath?

If you have a problem or issue with any local footpath then your first port of call could be the Fairlight Parish Council's Footpaths Officer, or you can use the East Sussex County Council problem page.

sample image

Yes, it's the dreaded under construction sign!

It is intended to put some detail here about where the local footpaths start and where they go to...


